Euphorbia geniculata

Kingdom: Plantae
Divisi: Magnoliphyta
Classis: Magnoliopsida
Order: Malphigiales
Family: Euphobiaceae
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: Euphorbia geniculata Ortega
Local name: (Mexican) fireplant, Painted euphorbia, Milkweed

Annual herb to 60 cm high, with branches glabrous to sparsely pilose towards the apices. Leaves ovate, to 6 x 3 cm, margin with minute distant gland-tipped teeth, both surfaces, especially the lower, sparsely pilose with septate hairs, glabrescent; petiole to 2 cm long; stipular glands purplish. Cyathia densely clustered in terminal and axillary cymes, forking 2–5 times with progressively shorter rays from 5 cm to 2 mm long; basal bracts similar to the leaves but progressively smaller and subsessile above. Cyathia glabrous, 3.5 mm in diam.; gland peltate, funnel-shaped with a circular opening 1.2 mm wide, often red-rimmed. Styles 1 mm long. Capsule exserted on a recurved pedicel 6 mm long, deeply 3-lobed, 4.5 x 5.5 mm. Seeds conical with acute apex, 2.6 x 2.4 mm, bluntly tuberculate, blackish brown.
Benefit: Ornamental plant, used for breathing disorders including asthma, bronchitis, and chest congestion. It is also used for mucus in the nose and throat, throat spasms, hay fever, and tumors.
Location:UPI Stadium

  • Agaloma angustifolia Raf.
  • Cyathophora ciliata Raf.
  • Cyathophora heterophyla (L.) Raf.
  • Cyathophora picta Raf.
  • Euphorbia calyciflora Sessé & Moc.
  • Euphorbia elliptica Lam.
  • Euphorbia epilobiifolia W.T.Wang
  • Euphorbia frangulifolia Kunth
  • Euphorbia geniculata Ortega
  • Euphorbia havanensis Willd. ex Boiss. nom. illeg.
  • Euphorbia linifolia Vahl nom. illeg.
  • Euphorbia lockhartii Steud. nom. inval.
  • Euphorbia morisoniana Klotzsch
  • Euphorbia pandurata Huber
  • Euphorbia prunifolia Jacq.
  • Euphorbia taiwaniana S.S.Ying
  • Euphorbia trachyphylla A.Rich.
  • Poinsettia frangulifolia (Kunth) Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Poinsettia geniculata (Ortega) Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Poinsettia havanensis Small
  • Poinsettia heterophylla (L.) Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Poinsettia morisoniana (Klotzsch) Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Poinsettia prunifolia (Jacq.) Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Poinsettia ruiziana Klotzsch & Garcke
  • Tithymalus heterophyllus (L.) Haw.
  • Tithymalus prunifolius (Jacq.) Haw.
